POST SCRIPT is published three times a year. The annual subscription rate is $15 for individuals in the United States and $25 for institutions. Please add $5 for subscriptions outside the United States. Foreign subscriptions must be paid in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank. Back Orders: Most back issues for individuals are $8.50 in the U.S. and $12.00 for institutions. Rates are $13.50 for non-U.S. mailing to individuals and $17.00 for institutions, except for the following:

These issues are $10 for individuals, $15 for institutions. Add $5 for each copy for non-U.S. mailing

Vol. 9, Nos.1&2 Double general issue
Vol. 11, No.2 John Cassavetes
Vol. 14, Nos.1&2 Psychoanalysis and Film
Vol. 17, No.1 Shakespeare and Film: Adaptations
Vol. 17, No.2 Shakespeare and Film: Derivatives and Variations
Vol. 19, No.1 Hong Kong Cinema
Vol. 20, No.1 Akira Kurosawa
Vol. 21, No.2 Spanish Cinema
Vol. 23, No.3 Adaptation
Vol. 25, No.2 Transnational Cinema
Vol. 25, No. 3 Indian Cinema

These are $12.50 for individuals, $17.50 for institutions. Add $5 per copy for non-U.S. mailing

Vol. 18, No.1 Contemporary Japanese Cinema
Vol. 21, No.3 Realist Horror Cinema, Part I
Vol. 22, No.2 Realist Horror Cinema, Part II

These issues are $15 for individuals and $25 for institutions.
Please add $5 for non-U.S. mailing.

Vol. 20, Nos.2&3 Chinese Cinema
Vol. 24, Nos. 2&3 Australian and New Zealand Cinema
Vol. 26, No. 2, Susan Sontag

Most back issues for individuals are $8.50 in the U.S. and $12.00 for institutions. Rates are $13.50 for non-U.S. mailing to individuals and $17.00 for institutions, except for the following:

These issues are $10 for individuals, $15 for institutions. Add $5 for each copy for non-U.S. mailing

Vol. 9, Nos.1&2 Double general issue
Vol. 11, No.2 John Cassavetes
Vol. 14, Nos.1&2 Psychoanalysis and Film
Vol. 17, No.1 Shakespeare and Film: Adaptations
Vol. 17, No.2 Shakespeare and Film: Derivatives and Variations
Vol. 19, No.1 Hong Kong Cinema
Vol. 20, No.1 Akira Kurosawa
Vol. 21, No.2 Spanish Cinema
Vol. 23, No.3 Adaptation
Vol. 25, No.2 Transnational Cinema
Vol. 25, No.3 Indian Cinema

These are $12.50 for individuals, $17.50 for institutions. Add $5 per copy for non-U.S. mailing

Vol. 18, No.1 Contemporary Japanese Cinema
Vol. 21, No.3 Realist Horror Cinema, Part I
Vol. 22, No.2 Realist Horror Cinema, Part II

These issues are $15 for individuals and $25 for institutions.
Please add $5 for non-U.S. mailing

Vol. 20, Nos.2&3 Chinese Cinema
Vol. 24, Nos. 2&3 Australian and New Zealand Cinema
Vol. 26, No. 2Susan Sontag

All payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank or international money order. Please mail to:

Post Script

ATTN: Gerald Duchovnay, General Editor

Dept. of Literature and Languages

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Commerce, Texas 75429-3011


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